{{ exception.class|split('\\')|slice(0, -1)|join('\\') }} {{- exception.class|split('\\')|length > 1 ? '\\' }} {{ exception.class|split('\\')|last }} {{ include('@Twig/images/icon-minus-square-o.svg') }} {{ include('@Twig/images/icon-plus-square-o.svg') }}

{% if exception.message is not empty and index > 1 %}

{{ exception.message }}

{% endif %}
{% set _is_first_user_code = true %} {% for i, trace in exception.trace %} {% set _display_code_snippet = _is_first_user_code and ('/vendor/' not in trace.file) and ('/var/cache/' not in trace.file) and (trace.file is not empty) %} {% if _display_code_snippet %}{% set _is_first_user_code = false %}{% endif %}
{{ include('@Twig/Exception/trace.html.twig', { prefix: index, i: i, trace: trace, _display_code_snippet: _display_code_snippet }, with_context = false) }}
{% endfor %}